Zoning Documents

Stanton Township Zoning Ordinance

The Zoning Ordinance establishes Zoning Districts within Stanton Township and what uses are permitted in each Zone. The Ordinance guides future land development to insure a safer, more pleasant and more economical environment for agricultural, residential, compatible commercial, recreation and public activities.

Find out which Zoning District a particular property is in with the Zoning Map below:

Comprehensive Plan

Planning Commission

For more detail on the Planning Commission and procedures:

Looking to build a new residence or accessory building in Stanton Township, or create an addition, deck or other increase to the footprint of a building, the Stanton Planning Commission will help guide you through the process. You may also consult with the Planning Commission on any other potential use of your land.

Bring a description of your plans, often a site map with the location of the planned construction relative to property boundaries, along with an application for a Zoning Certificate, below. For more detail, section 15 of the Zoning Ordinance, above, outlines the procedures for processing Zoning Requests.

If assistance is needed, email (preferred) or call the Township Clerk.

The Planning Commission will advise the Town Board regarding your Zoning Certificate (construction permit) request. At the next Town Board meeting, the Town Board will vote to approve or disapprove. Meeting dates can be found below:

2025 Meeting Schedule

2024 Annual Meeting Planning Commission Document Handouts for Discussion

2024 Annual Meeting Planning Commission Document Handouts for Discussion

The Stanton Township Comprehensive Plan provides a vision for the agricultural and residential makeup of the township and it’s potential future development.